Make your donation here.


ECFS是纽约市最大的财政援助机构之一. We award over $18 million in financial aid per year. 你们的捐赠保证了学校的财政强健, economically diverse, 并且有足够的财力走在进步教育的前沿, ethical learning, and academic excellence. Learn more about the impact of philanthropy at ECFS.

Click here for more information about how to make your gift.

如果您有任何疑问或想了解更多信息,请与云顶集团联系 [email protected].

Orange Fund

ECFS橙色基金对学校追求卓越学术成就的承诺至关重要, progressive education, and ethical learning.

云顶集团把你的礼物立即用于支持云顶集团学校社区的这些领域:经济援助, professional development for faculty, educational technology, athletics, curriculum innovation, visual and performing arts, and extracurricular activities.

You can give to the Orange Fund here.

Form VI Legacy Gift

The Form VI Legacy Gift, a school tradition, 对毕业生的父母来说,留下遗产是一种有意义的方式吗. Each year, 一个由高年级家长组成的志愿者委员会为他们的学生筹集了这笔钱.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Rose Turshen, Director of Development, at 212-712-6245 or [email protected].

You can give to the Form VI Legacy Gift here.

当你向ECFS捐赠股票或证券时,很容易在利用税收节省的同时产生影响. When you donate appreciated stock, 您可以避免资本利得税,并扣除您的供款价值的100% -为您和ECFS提供好处. Our DonateStock platform offers a quick, safe, 和无缝的方式来支持学校和利用税收节省的优势. To make a gift of stock, visit or use the widget below.

Donor-Advised Funds

捐赠者建议基金(daf)是用于慈善捐赠的投资账户. DAF允许您立即或随着时间的推移支持ECFS,同时提供即时的税收减免.

DAFs can be relatively inexpensive to create and maintain, 同时还为捐赠者提供通过捐赠来管理其税务状况的能力. DAF由个人捐款组成,由第三方或赞助组织管理.

You can recommend a grant using this DAF Direct Link from Fidelity Investments, Charles Schwab, or BNY Mellon. 如果您有不同的DAF赞助商,请咨询您的财务顾问详细信息或云顶集团 [email protected] with any questions.

Legacy Giving

您可以通过遗赠指定道德文化菲尔德斯顿学校作为您的遗产计划的受益人,为子孙后代做出持久的贡献, retirement plan, insurance policy, or charitable trust. By doing this, 你可以给ECFS一份重要的礼物,以确保它的未来, 同时也可能为你和你的家人提供税收优惠. All legacy gifts contribute to the School’s endowment, unless designated otherwise, 这样就能确保你的捐款永远用来支持云顶集团的捐赠了.

By making a planned gift, you are invited to join the Felix Adler Circle, 是为了表彰那些选择在遗产计划中纳入学校未来发展计划的个人和家庭. 协会成员在确保教育中心持续的财务健康和作为进步教育领导者的地位方面发挥着至关重要的作用.

Details About Legacy Gifts That Benefit You and ECFS


在遗嘱或可撤销信托中向ECFS捐赠,将使学校能够在未来几年继续教育ECFS的几代学生. A bequest is easy to arrange, will not impact your current lifestyle in any way, and can be easily modified to address your changing needs.

IRA Rollovers

IRA慈善展期条款允许年龄达到70岁半的个人捐赠100美元,从个人退休帐户(IRA)直接拨出5,000元予慈善机构, without treating the distribution as taxable income.

Retirement Plans

Gifts of IRAs, 401(k)s, 或其他符合条件的计划是受欢迎的计划礼物,因为它们不需要预付现金-您只需通过计划管理人指定ECFS作为您全部或部分退休计划的受益人. 您可以在您的一生中继续提取,如果情况发生变化,您甚至可以更改受益人. 在您的一生结束后,您计划的剩余部分将免税转交给ECFS.

Charitable Lead Trusts

A charitable lead trust, or “non-grantor lead trust,"允许你向ECFS提供一段指定时间的收入, after which the trust assets pass to your heirs. To establish a charitable lead trust, 您将证券或其他增值资产供款给您选择的受托人,受托人将投资该等资产,并向ECFS支付“收入”. When the trust ends, 剩余本金转给家庭成员或您指定的其他受益人.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

慈善剩余信托允许您为自己或他人提供终身(或一段时间)的收入。, 之后,信托资产将进入学校,在未来几年帮助教育ECFS学生.

For more information, questions, or to notify us of a gift that you have arranged, please contact Rose Turshen, Director of Development, at 212-712-6242 or [email protected]. All inquiries will remain confidential.

This information is provided solely for educational purposes. 在作出巨额捐赠前,请咨询您的法律和财务顾问,以确保任何特定的捐赠计划都适合您.

ECFS Annual Report of Giving

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